17–19 Oct 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Art reaching community: When the world moves through us

17 Oct 2024, 11:30
RM 206

RM 206


Geraldine Burke (Monash University)


This presentation explores the Art-Reach program embedded in various art education units at Monash University. Showcasing our participatory arts-based educational approach, through multi-sensorial learning and ways we are learning-to-learn-with each other and Country, it simultaneously questions taken-for-granted approaches to art education. Valuing diversity and inclusion as foundational the presentation challenges taken-for-granted age/stage-based learning. It showcases the We Are Well: Intergenerational art-moving-well-being project where First Nations artists were central to the learning with tertiary students, children, seniors and McClelland Gallery as together we explored art-moving-well-being assets building social connections and understandings of culture and Country; while the Learning with the Land: Learning with Respect project (part of a larger SSHRC Grant (PI: Rita Irwin; 24 Co-Is/Collaborators), 2022-2025) shares how pre-service teachers, children, and parents work with First Nations artists, Faculty of Education and Monash University Museum of Art (MUMA) to move with Country and ‘make Country beautiful’ through biodiversity-inspired art experiences.


Geraldine Burke is an artist/researcher/teacher-educator lecturing in visual and creative arts education at Monash University (Australia) researching with artistic practice, pedagogy and community projects. Recipient of the Vice-Chancellor's Award for Innovation in Learning and Teaching, and Dean’s Award for Equity, Inclusion and Diversity, Geraldine’s work fosters intercultural and intergenerational connections through arts-based learning initiatives. Her objective is to create contexts and conditions that draw people beyond cultural, institutional, age/stage and community boundaries to work joyfully together discovering the power of engaging co-creatively with contemporary opportunities, challenges and concerns. Geraldine is currently co-leader Art-Creativity-Education Faculty Research Group, Monash Faculty of Education.

Primary author

Geraldine Burke (Monash University)

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