Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Courage and Change in Arts Education

Oct 17, 2024, 11:30 AM



Peter Wright (Murdoch University) Robin Pascoe (Murdoch University) Sian Chapman (Murdoch University)


Arts education in Australia exists in the space between forces of, at best, benign indifference, curriculum marginalisation and active exclusion. This panel examines an agenda for change in current contexts. Each speaker draws on their life autobiography in arts education to stimulate action in others. What have been the enablers and constraints in your own development as an arts educator? We address the conference themes of policy, philosophy, and pedagogy in a world in flux to drive positive transformation. In what ways might these inform (a) pedagogy (practice)? (b) understanding and the thinking that can inform it (philosophy), and (c) change that is sustaining (policy)?


Peter Wright
is an Associate Professor in Arts Education and Research Methods in the School of Education at Murdoch University. He works across the Arts with a commitment to personal, social, and cultural inquiry, agency, education and expression, health and wellbeing. As an award-winning researcher, he has contributed to and led a number of nationally competitive externally funded research projects including funding through The Australian Research Council, National Youth Affairs Research Scheme, and various philanthropic sources. His current research with young people is informed through a commitment to cultural and social justice, social imagination, and the ways they are mediated in and through the Arts

Dr Sian Chapman
is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Education at Murdoch University. Sian teaches arts education across the undergraduate and graduate initial teacher education programs at Murdoch. Published research to date examines arts curriculum implementation practices in primary schools including digital engagement and teacher agency, teacher wellbeing, and inclusive education perspectives. Current research projects involve A/R/Tography, arts praxis, constraints in arts assessment in higher education, and using immersive technologies with drama as a methodology.

Robin Pascoe
is an Honorary Fellow, College of Health and Education, Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia. From 2002-2019 he was Senior Lecturer Arts and Drama Education in the School of Education at Murdoch University. Robin held leadership positions in DramaWest and NADIE National Association for Drama in Education (now, Drama Australia) and chair of the National [Australian] Affiliation of Arts Educators NAAE. He was President IDEA the International Drama/Theatre and Education Association 2013-2020 and is now Immediate Past President. As President of IDEA, he was also chair of the World Alliance for Arts Education WAAE. Robin presents and publishes internationally on arts and drama education

Primary author

Peter Wright (Murdoch University)


Robin Pascoe (Murdoch University) Sian Chapman (Murdoch University)

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