Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Makers of the Future

Oct 17, 2024, 10:45 AM
Auditorium (Modern Language Teaching Centre)


Modern Language Teaching Centre


Prof. Cecily O'Neill (Ohio State University)


Cecily O’Neill is an international authority on process drama and the arts in education. She is an Associate Professor Emerita at the Ohio State University, where she established the programme in Drama Education. She holds a PhD in Theatre from the University of Exeter and an Honorary Fellowship from the Universityof Winchester and is a visiting lecturer at New York University. She works with teachers, students, actors and playwrights both nationally and internationally.She has written several influential books on the theory and practice of drama including Drama Worlds (1996) also published in Complex Chinese in 2021;Dorothy Heathcote: Essential Writings (2014); Words into Worlds: Learning a Second Language through Process Drama (Kao and O’Neill, 1998); Dreamseekers: Creative Approachesto the African American Heritage (Manley and O’Neill, 1997).Structure and Spontaneity, a collection of her writings, was published in 2006 (Taylor andWarner).Cecily is artistic director of 2TimeTheatre, a performance and publishing venture based in Winchester, UK.

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