Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

When piano dances and sings: Α case study on cross-thematic approach in a Greek Music School

Oct 17, 2024, 5:50 PM
RM 210

RM 210


Eugenia Psaroudaki (European University Cyprus) Maria Papazachariou-Christoforou (European University Cyprus)


This case study concerns the designing and implementing a cycle of teaching interventions with a cross-thematic approach for the piano lesson at a Public Music School in Greece. The main research focus was to investigate how the cross-thematic approach can be applied in the teaching of piano in the context of a public Music School, and to describe and understand in depth the experience and perceptions of the participating students and teachers on its implementation. The piano teaching intervention was based on the 44 children's Pieces On Traditional Dances by the Greek composer Yannis Konstantinidis. The teaching-learning activities that were set in group-learning and experiential approaches, were interconnected to other teaching subjects, such as Greek language, folklore, music history, dance, traditional singing, and visual arts. The study revealed that cross-thematic explorations and the use of familiar cultural material could offer holistic music literacy for the students, creating meaningful memories and a sense of identity.


Eugenia Psaroudaki
is a graduate of the Department of Archaeology and Art History of the Kapodistrian University of Athens and of the Postgraduate Department of Music Education of the European University of Cyprus. Music studies: Bachelor and Diploma in Piano, advanced music theory and Classical Singing Degree. Through the Greek National Competition for music teachers, she was appointed to the teaching profession and since 2010 has been working at the Music School of Heraklion in Crete, in the piano field. Her main research interests are music pedagogy and the interdisciplinary connection of music with the history of art and culture. At the same time, she participates in numerous artistic events in her country as a pianist, accompanist and opera choral singer.

Dr. Maria Papazachariou-Christoforou
holds the position of Assistant Professor in Music Education and Pedagogy at the European University of Cyprus. She is also the Director of the LifeLong Music Engagement Research Unit, SosciEAtH, and a Board Member of EuNetMERYC. Her primary research interests include the sociological dimensions of music pedagogy and musical identities, music education in early childhood, informal learning practices, and lifelong music engagement and well- being. She has worked as a music educator for 25 years within the Public Education in Cyprus, as well as serving as the Director of Music Education at the Pedagogical Institute Cyprus. Dr. Papazachariou-Christoforou has presented research papers at numerous conferences worldwide, and her publications include peer-reviewed journal papers and research papers in referred conference proceedings.

Primary author

Eugenia Psaroudaki (European University Cyprus)


Maria Papazachariou-Christoforou (European University Cyprus)

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