Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Enhancing young violinists’ musical identities, through a dialectical approach drawn from Stanislavsky system

Oct 17, 2024, 5:30 PM
RM 210

RM 210


Konstantinos Demirtzoglou (European University Cyprus) Maria Papazachariou-Christoforou (European University Cyprus)


This paper draws on the fields of music education, actor’s training, and developmental psychology to present the use of acting techniques based on the Stanislavsky system in music education as a means of facilitating the exploration of musical identity in young violinists. It also explores how acting activities can enhance students’ self-development through the social interaction of group teaching, and how the power of language, storytelling, imagination, and fiction can trigger meaningful processes and influence behaviour by shaping and shifting young students’ beliefs about the musical identity of the performer. The focus of this paper is on the application of approaches and activities based on the Stanislavsky system to music education and the context of violin pedagogy.


Konstantinos Demirtzoglou
was born in Athens to a family of musicians. In 2000 he was admitted to the Moscow Academy of Music Tchaikovsky from which he received his degree in the specialty of violin pedagogy and orchestra artist. He continued his studies at Anton Bruckner University in Linz, Austria. He also holds a master’s degree in violin performance and pedagogy from the University of Nicosia. Currently, he works as a violin professor at the Music Schools of the Ministry of Education. Mr. Demirtzoglou is a PhD candidate at the Music Department of the European University of Cyprus. He is a founding member and first violin of the Concordia String Quartet and the concertmaster of the orchestral ensemble “Orchestra Ostinata”.

Dr. Maria Papazachariou-Christoforou
holds the position of Assistant Professor in Music Education and Pedagogy at the European University of Cyprus. She is also the Director of the LifeLong Music Engagement Research Unit, SosciEAtH, and a Board Member of EuNetMERYC. Her primary research interests include the sociological dimensions of music pedagogy and musical identities, music education in early childhood, informal learning practices, and lifelong music engagement and well- being. She has worked as a music educator for 25 years within the Public Education in Cyprus, as well as serving as the Director of Music Education at the Pedagogical Institute Cyprus. Dr. Papazachariou-Christoforou has presented research papers at numerous conferences worldwide, and her publications include peer-reviewed journal papers and research papers in referred conference proceedings.

Primary author

Konstantinos Demirtzoglou (European University Cyprus)


Maria Papazachariou-Christoforou (European University Cyprus)

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