Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

School theatre as mass spectacle: The city that drove the war away and The tincity

Oct 19, 2024, 6:50 PM
RM 209

RM 209


Ifigenia Kafetzopoulou (NKUA)


The term "mass spectacle" was widely used in Russia after the October Revolution in 1917. It's most representative form took place in the third anniversary of the Russian Revolution in 1920, when the Russian director and theoretician Nikolai Evreinov staged in Petrograd The storming of the Winter Palace. How could the idea of the mass spectacle be used in the primary school? Why such an idea would be useful in the school environment? What kind of pedagogical purposes the realization of such a concept would serve? How could theatre be performed as mass spectacle with the first, second, third and fourth class of primary school? In this essay we will use two fairy tales, The city that drove away the war by Antonis Papatheodoulou and the Tincity by Evgenia Fakinou, as bases for the creation of two masses spectacles in educational theatre.


Ifigenia Kafetzopoulou graduated with distinction from National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, department of Theatre Studies. From the same department she obtained a master's degree, also with distinction. She is a PhD Candidate also in the Theatre Department and a Theatre teacher at the primary school. She translated the book of Nikolai Evreinov, The theatre of animals, which has been published from Aigokeros publications.

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