Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

An Outdoor Drama Case Study: Euripides' Helen

Oct 19, 2024, 7:10 PM
RM 208

RM 208


Maria Stamou


In 2018 Chania Music School joined an educational programme with the title “Adopt an Ancient Theatre”. The main project objectives were students to be granted the opportunity to leave classroom walls and come in contact with the Ancient Theatre of Aptera and reenact there an open space performance based on Euripidis’ drama Helen devised exclusively by them through the techniques of Drama in Education. The text, the movement, the props were all devised by students who stayed engaged and stimulated during the preparatory process. The project was worked in school and the resulting play Euripidis’ Helen in 6 tableaux was rehearsed and performed in the Ancient Theatre of Aptera. A student took the role of a cameraman and director and shot a short film of the performance on location. The film was uploaded to the platform of Diazoma. The end results of the project proved high quality and long lasting.


Maria Stamou

Maria Stamou holds a BA in English Language & Literature & a specialization in Linguistics & ELT. She believes in lifelong learning & professional development & with this in mind she obtained a second specialization in History & Theory of Theatre & Cinema & a second BA graduating from the Dpt of Theatre Studies. She has been teaching English, Drama at the Chania Music School for the last 12 years, where she has been organising European, cultural and other programmes. At the same time she is involved in the production of educational material and takes part in workshops and conferences.

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