17–19 Oct 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

How to find our Inner Compass, Power and Joy through the Art of being Present

19 Oct 2024, 18:30
RM 206

RM 206


Chrissanna Diamanti


This abstract is presenting an innovative pedagogical method that is using art, music and performing qualities to connect pre-adolescents and adolescents with their feelings, personal power and intelligence in order to be strong and flexible in a world that is very demanding and changes with rapid speed. The method is part of the program: "How am I ‘thinking’? The quality of my Attention and my ‘Thinking – Feeling – Doing’”. Practices for Thinking development, Attention Enhancement in the Present Experience and the Emerging Act (Diamanti, 2024). The program is a mind-awareness journey. It focuses on cultivating the quality of one's thinking, attention and ability of coherent action in relation to the conscious and unconscious constant data flow. It is part of a broader approach to the way we live, relate, create culture and focus our attention. The theoretical background is based in “Theory U” by Otto Scharmer (Scharmer, 2016).


Chrissanna Diamanti

Chrissanna Diamanti, educator with a Master of Fine Arts in Theatre, serves as Coordinator of Innovative Activities, Directorate of Primary Education of Cyclades. She has studied and applied various innovative approaches to pedagogical practice. Among them: "Artful thinking”, Harvard, "Social Presencing Theatre"; practices focusing in the present moment, “Theory U: Leading from the Emerging Future”, MIT – Presencing Institute. She is exploring different approaches through art; role playing, movement, body, mind, sound, voice and nervous system awareness, since 1990. She keeps exploring the impact of awareness in transforming personal and collective issues for providing sustainable way of living and well-being.

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