Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Pensar la plaza (Thinking about the Square): How to Start a Participatory Art Project in a Public Space

Oct 17, 2024, 6:50 PM
RM 208

RM 208


Carmen Andreu-Lara (University of Seville) Dolores Callejon-Cinchilla (University of Jaén) Israel Tirado-Garcia (University of Seville) M Prieto-Peinado (University of Seville) R. Arregui-Pradas (University of Seville)


Pensar la plaza is a proposal to intervene a public space through the arts, that is developed within the framework of a research project that deals with the usefulness of participatory artistic practices as a tool for transformation, for the improvement of the quality of life. We have developed a category matrix to monitor these practices. From its analysis, we have established the need to consider processes of appropriation and recognition, to involve affection, by working together with reason and emotion, to carry them out. We propose a process that can be developed in these steps: questioning, feeling, imagining-thinking from other perspectives, debating, projecting and building together to, at the end, expose, opening, if necessary, new questions, new paths. Its application is tested with this proposal that is presented and developed in a heterogeneous residential area of the city of Seville.


Rocio Arregui-Pradas
is Visual artist, researcher and teacher. Full Professor in the Drawing Department, Fine Arts Faculty of the University of Seville (Spain). High School Art Teacher from 1991 to 2002. Contributor in the embodiment of educational web resources at the Contemporary Art Andalusian Center.Art Teacher at the Teaching University Studies (CEU S.PAblo Seville). Many solo exhibitions and collaborative exhibitions in different countries, also as a curator. Participation in conferences, published papers about Art, Nature, Sustainability and Education and Museum Collaborations.

Dolores Callejon-Cinchilla
is Full Professor of Art Education and training teacher at the Universidad de Jaén, Spain. She lectures in bachelor degrees in Education (Infantile, Primary and Social) and the master's degrees of Art, Music and Design research (AmuDi)and the professional formation for the high school teacher (MAES). She is member of the group of research HUM 862 "Studies in Society, Arts and Cultural Management". Her has focused on the on development personal and social, through art. The social dimensions of art,and the reflective, critical and sustainable learning are of particular interest for her. She has published numerous articles on these topics and she is author of teaching resources for "Anaya" publishing house.

Carmen Andreu-Lara
currently works as a Full Professor in the Painting Department at the University of Seville. She teaches in the Bachelor of Fine Arts and in the Master of Art: Idea & Production. She is the head researcher of the group HUM 841, Landscape Observatory, focusing on the Art as assessment tool, and the awareness of landscape. She has worked on this topic from the theoretical reflection standpoint,and works publishing articles and participating in conferences andmeetings, along with continuing her artistic practice through the participation of exhibitions. In recent years, she has focused on the research of a methodology that facilitates the transdisciplinarity reading of landscape with the convergence of different disciplines such as geography and history. She also participates in the research team of "Cultural Landscapes of theGlobal Heritage List" project. Keys for the Identification and Criteria for the Management of Pastures, Iberian Areas and Mediterranea Olive Trees.

Dr Maria Prieto-Peinado
is a Doctor of Architecture from the University of Seville. Full Professor in the Department of Architectural Projects at the School of Architecture, US. University Master in Architecture and Historical Heritage (marph) by the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage, Junta de Andalucía (IAPH-JA). Head of the Research Group HUM-810, ADICI. University Institute of Architecture and Construction Sciences. https://www.adici.org/presentacion/ . Prize Kora Collection , Consejería of Development and Housing. Junta de Andalucía. Research Residencies in: University of Chile (Chile), New Castle University (England), National University of Asunción (Paraguay), University of Évora (Portugal) and University of Faro (Portugal)

Israel Tirado-Garcia
is Assistant Professor at Fine Arts. University of Seville. 2018 Diseño y creación pieza escultórica Comité Olímpico Español. (C.O.E) / Artalia Designs S.L. (www.artaliadesigns.com) / España 2017 - 2017 Diseño y creación pieza artística Copa del Rey de Vela. / Artalia Designs S.L.(www.artaliadesigns.com) 2016 - 2016 Creación artística Identidad Corporativa Festival Internacional de Cine de Almería / Diputación de Almería 2016 - 2016 Diseño y creación pieza artística Festival Internacional de Cine de Almería / Artalia Designs S.L. (www.artaliadesigns.com) 2009 - 2010 Arquitecto Técnico. Dirección de obra. Programa de Rehabilitación 2009. / Junta de Andalucía

Primary author

R. Arregui-Pradas (University of Seville)


Carmen Andreu-Lara (University of Seville) Dolores Callejon-Cinchilla (University of Jaén) Israel Tirado-Garcia (University of Seville) M Prieto-Peinado (University of Seville)

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