17–19 Oct 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

A different learning environment for cultural education

17 Oct 2024, 18:30
RM 208

RM 208


Ronald Kox (LKCA)


The new UNESCO Framework for Culture and Arts Education not only calls for a different form and position of cultural education in education, but also for a revision of education itself. As early as 2016, the Dutch National Knowledge Institute for Cultural Education and Amateur Arts (LKCA) published a vision on education in general and the role of cultural education within it, already in line with the new Unesco framework. Our conclusion was that the position of cultural education within education can only improve sustainably if education itself changes fundamentally. In 2024, we release an improved version of our Basis for Cultural Education , in which we further develop this concept on the basis of the ten necessary elements of a curriculum. During this presentation, the vision of a new approach to cultural education will be explained using these curricular elements.


Ronald Kox MA studied Theatre, Film and Television Studies and has worked his entire life in and with various arts disciplines, education and government. He is a specialist in Cultural Education at the Dutch National Knowledge Institute for Cultural Education and Amateur Art (LKCA) and author of, among other publications, the New Basis for Cultural Education (2024). He focuses on national and international curriculum development for cultural education and national programmes to improve the quality and position of (cultural) education and the cooperation of arts and schools.

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