Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Leading the way: Senior secondary arts educators enabling 21st century skills

Oct 17, 2024, 6:10 PM
RM 208

RM 208


Ange Pratt (Queensland University of Technology)


Senior secondary students face a future that is uncertain, ever-changing and increasingly demanding. 21st century skills (21CS) have been promoted in policy documents as vital for ensuring young people adapt and thrive in a challenging world. Research over the past two decades demonstrates that arts education encourages development across the human domains, providing engaging opportunities for young people to develop 21CS. However, an unhealthy focus on STEM subjects and tertiary entrance rankings in the senior secondary years have made it increasingly difficult for arts teachers to convince students, colleagues and the wider school community of the value of studying the arts. This paper explores perspectives of Queensland arts teachers as they conceptualise and enact senior secondary arts curriculum regarding 21CS, recognising themselves as pedagogical leaders in their schools and beyond, and preparing students to contribute actively and responsibly in the world around them.


Ange Pratt has been involved in arts education across primary, secondary and tertiary contexts for almost 30 years. She is currently Learning Area Manager (The Arts) in senior curriculum and assessment at the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (Brisbane, Australia). Ange is in the final stage of her PhD at Queensland University of Technology, with her research study focusing on senior secondary arts education and 21st century skills. During her years as Lecturer in Education at CHC (Brisbane, Australia), Ange’s focus was curriculum and assessment across a range of learning areas.

Primary author

Ange Pratt (Queensland University of Technology)

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