Imagination is a key to envision and enacy new possibilities but how can we navigate uncertainty as we attempt to ‘braoden the horizons of the possible’ in education? In this study, student-teachers were engaged in a creative play of perspective-taking in four undergraduate courses to unfold multi-layered meanings in a narrative image and transform it to a pluri-perspective space for preschool play. Findings suggest that imagining possibilities through multiple lenses and reeinvisioning the possible in teaching could enable us to move forward as they provoke possibilities and a ‘can-do’ attitude empowering student-teachers to gain a greater sense of their own agency and self-expression.
Agni Stylianou-Georgiou
Dr. Agni Stylianou-Georgiou is an Associated Professor of Educational Psychology in the Department of Education at the University of Nicosia where she teaches Educational and Cognitive Psychology courses. She studied Elementary Education at the University of Cyprus and has a PhD in Educational Psychology (Cognition and Instruction) from the University of Connecticut. Her research interests focus on metacognition, creative teaching and learning in digital and face-to-face environments. She has been involved in EU funded projects and her research work has been presented at International Conferences and published in International Conference Proceedings and Journals.