Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Expressive activities and wellbeing: experiences from the project

Oct 19, 2024, 5:20 PM


Georgiou Chatzidaki - University Campus, 157 72 Zografou


David Kadlec Petra Sobanova


The aim of the paper is to share the experience of the project I take care of myself, which is implemented at the Faculty of Education of Palacký University in Olomouc (Czech Republic). In this way, the Faculty responds to the needs of practice and the deteriorating mental health of young people. The common denominator of the courses is the care for the wellbeing of pupils and students and the use of techniques based on expressive learning disciplines and expressive therapies, which help not only mental resilience, but also the building of a friendly and safe social climate at school. In techniques proven in the practice of psychotherapy or in expressive educational disciplines (art education, music education, drama education, creative writing), the participants work on building their own sense of self-confidence, stability and mental well-being, as well as learning educational methods that can be used directly in educational practice in different types of schools. The authors will present the principles of the courses and how they can be applied in schools – and the implementation research on the role of reflection.


David Kadlec, Petra Sobanova

David Kadlec lives in České Budějovice and is a graduate of the Department of Art Education at the Faculty of Education, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, and is currently Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Art Education at the Faculty of Education, Palacký University Olomouc. He teaches art at the Dobrá Voda primary school. He is also involved in art education for adults through courses and workshops in the Objev art studio. He himself is engaged in drawing, painting, graphic arts and restoration activities. He has exhibited his work in group exhibitions, for example Vessel of Memories, 2023.

Petra Šobáňová has been working continuously at the Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, Palacký University Olomouc (CZ), currently as an associate professor in the field of didactics of art education. She also gives lectures on museum pedagogy, basics of museology, didactics of art education and gallery animation. She participates in a number of projects, either as the main researcher or as a co-researcher and external collaborator. She is the guarantor of the follow-up Master's program entitled Education in Culture, which she has promoted and accredited.

Primary author


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