Museum theatre is generally thought of as a museum program mostly designed and performed by professionals, offered to visitors with the aim of helping them to delve deeper into the exhibits of a museum and encourage interaction between the visitors and the museum exhibits. In the present proposal the museum theatre is seen as an educational tool and has been used in order to engage students into exploring the exhibits of the Archeological Museum of Delphi in an active, creative way with a number of learning objectives: encourage them to work in groups, do research to learn more things about the story of their exhibit, approach the information in a critical way, combine fact and fiction to create museum theatre scripts, develop language skills and of course discover the magical world of drama on stage. In my presentation I am going to describe the project run with 120 students from 9 schools and the 1st Museum Theatre Festival which took place last April in Fokis Region and a short assessment of the experience for both students and teachers involved.
Asimenia Misirli
Asimenia Misirli has studied Greek and English Language and Literature, Drama and History of Art at Greek universities. She has MAs in European Literature and Culture, Lifelong Education, Creative Writing and Public History and is a PhD candidate of museum theatre as an educational tool at the Open University of Greece. She has worked as an English teacher in Secondary schools of Fokis for 13 years while in the past seven years she has been working as a Head of cultural programs in Secondary Education Directorate of Fokis District.