Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

A Performance on Writing Personal Experience as Academic Research in Music Studies and Music Education: Autoethnography, Arts-Based Research, and Reflexivity

Oct 17, 2024, 5:30 PM



Christopher Wiley (University of Surrey) Peter Gouzouasis (University of British Columbia)


The advent of autoethnography, as the most visible of several forms of qualitative social science research that combine an author’s personal narrative with analytical interpretation of the broader contexts in which that individual operates (e.g., Bochner & Ellis, 2016; Poulos, 2021), has come at a critical time for the discipline of music. In the UK, for instance, the expectation of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) that creative practice outputs will be contextualised through an accompanying, reflexive commentary signals the urgency for establishing scholarly structures appropriate to the discussion of one’s own work by performers, composers, and music technologists alike, intersecting with wider, transnational debates as to whether, and how, creative practice outputs may constitute academic research. Autoethnography, various forms of arts based research, and a/r/tography yield enormous breadth of potential in music studies internationally, with the capacity to support academic inquiry beyond the relation to an individual’s practice.


Peter Gouzouasis
is a Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy at the University of British Columbia. His research focuses on lifespan music learning employing both qualitative and quantitative research approaches. He recently edited the first journal issue dedicated to Arts Based Educational Research in music education (http://act.maydaygroup.org/volume-18-issue-2/) and led a research team (Guhn, Emerson, & Gouzouasis, 2020) in publishing one of the most widely downloaded papers in the history of the profession (https://summon.altmetric.com/details/62627951#score). His latest edited book (2024) features artographic works of 21 international musician authors, The Routledge Companion to music, autoethnography, and reflexivity.

Christopher Wiley
joined the University of Surrey in September 2013 as Senior Lecturer and Director of Learning & Teaching in the School of Arts. Prior to this position, he was Director of Undergraduate Studies (2009–13) and Director of the MA Programmes (2005–09) in the Department of Music at City University London. He is currently Programme Director for the BMus Music programme (2018–), having been Director of Postgraduate Research (2017–18) and Senior Professional Training Year Tutor (2017–). He has previously taught at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, the Open University, and Royal Holloway.

Primary author

Peter Gouzouasis (University of British Columbia)


Christopher Wiley (University of Surrey)

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