Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Narratives of Creating New Audio-Visual Materials on Sustainable Development Goals For Young Children

Oct 17, 2024, 4:40 PM
RM 210

RM 210


Anna Patricia Rodriguez-Carranza (University of the Philippines Diliman) Asherine Joanne Roa (University of Philippines) Jesher Edrei Perez (University of the Philippines Diliman)


This study centers on a recently concluded student organization-led song production project of tertiary level music education students that aims to develop audio-visual materials about sustainable development goals with and for members of an early childhood care and development (shortened as ECCD) center community. The main data sources of the study are narratives of the early childhood music educator authors as key project mentors and the end products of the project - an illustrated zine and an online video compilation of the students’ composed songs. The authors framed the data set using the four key elements of Work Integrated Learning (WIL) projects mainly, authentic problem, problem framing, solution framing, and solution design (Thuan, 2022).


Anna Patricia Carranza
is the current chairperson of the Music Education Department, College of Music, University of the Philippines. She currently sits on the board of Philippine Society for Music Education and Comparative and International Education Society - Indigenous Knowledge and the Academy She received the 2018 National Commission for Culture and the Arts Thesis/Dissertation Grant for writing a historiography on the undergraduate programs of the UP College of Music (1918 to 2018). She has presented at APSMER (2017 Melaka, 2023 Seoul) and has published journal articles with PULSE (Thailand) and Musika Jornal (Philippines).

Asherine Joanne Roa
is a graduate student at the University of the Philippines College of Music. She is the incumbent president of her hometown's community orchestra, the Taytay Philharmonic Youth Orchestra. She was one of the spoken presenters at the 2023 APSMER Seoul. Currently, she is one of the board members of the Philippine Society for Music Educators and also an instructor at the University of the Philippines Integrated School.

Jesher Edrei Perez
is currently an assistant professor of music education at the University of the Philippines, College of Music, where graduated with his bachelors degree in the same program. He then took his Master of Arts in Music Education from the University of Reading, Institute of Education, United Kingdom, from 2020 to 2021. He is an active coordinator, teacher, and conductor to music workshops, seminars, camps, and festivals around the Philippines and to some countries in Asia. Jesher is an active researcher and advocate of culturally responsive pedagogy in music teaching.

Primary author

Anna Patricia Rodriguez-Carranza (University of the Philippines Diliman)


Asherine Joanne Roa (University of Philippines) Jesher Edrei Perez (University of the Philippines Diliman)

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