Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Unity as the Unpredictability of Multiplicity. Examples of Film-documented Field Work in Performative Arts

Oct 17, 2024, 4:00 PM
RM 210

RM 210


Helmi Vent (Mozarteum University Salzburg)


Unity as the unpredictability of multiplicity. Examples of Film-documented Field Work in Performative ArtsFrom a cultural anthropological perspective, the idea of unity is a millennia-old phenomenon, for example, with cultures living close to nature, often based on holistic world views. In some Western traditions of thought, various cultural and artistic currents have tried to recapture an integral view of things, also the view of unity, albeit with a different slant. Unity appears as the unpredictability of multiplicity. This interwoven idea allows diversity and polyvalence to exist in unified forms. Against this philosophical-aesthetic background excerpts from cross-over projects in performative arts are presented and discussed, field work in the context of arts education, carried out with people from various fields of study, work and life. The aim of the work is to develop and apply integral forms of cultural and social participation with artistic means in the unpredictability of diversity.


Helmi Vent is Professor emerita of Experimental SpaceSoundBodyTheatre at the Mozarteum University Salzburg, Austria. Her main foci are: Performative Arts in the context of Applied Humanities; arts-based research. Helmi is also the Director of LIA – Lab Inter Arts, an international platform for crossover-projects in various artistic and cultural fields, and also Video Film Producer of her own interdisciplinary art performance projects. Guest activities (lectures, seminars, artistic and transcultural projects, performances) led her through many countries in the world. In 2013 she received the Ars docendi-Staatspreis (state award) for excellent teaching, category Innovative Teaching Concepts, at the public Austrian universities.

Primary author

Helmi Vent (Mozarteum University Salzburg)

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