Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Embodied Learning: Developing Literacy Through Theatre's Physicality in Middle school

Oct 17, 2024, 4:40 PM
RM 209

RM 209


Kyriaki Papaleonida (NKUA)


This paper aims to explore the relationship between mind and body and it’ s involvement in modern educational techniques in Secondary Education. We will analyze the indirect learning that occurs during experiential techniques, like theatrical and creative writing techniques. This paper is the result of an on-going research for my doctoral thesis based on a hybrid creative writing workshop enriched with theater techniques, that aims to create an alternative approach in mastering language and cultivating the mind in a playful, exploratory, and experiential way. Like in Theater, so in this specific Creative Writing class with the use of theatrical techniques, we try to achieve embodied learning. During the process of mastering the language, both spoken and written, the element of physical communication is inserted, as a primary way of assimilating and understanding intratextual messages. This presentation aims to point out the importance of multisensory experiences for students’ education.

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