Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Still Care: (Re)Imagining Teachers’ Experiences of Care as Aesthetically Crafted Events

Oct 17, 2024, 4:20 PM
RM 209

RM 209


Christina Vasileiou (Guildhall School of Music and Drama)


This is a presentation of my PhD research project on what it feels like to do care as a teacher. Coming from the perspective of a teacher and artist, the research proposes an intimately artistic way to examine the nuanced experience of performing care in teaching. It does so through the medium of a performance framework, through performance art and participatory performance. It thus contributes crucially to the newly established research area of care aesthetics by examining a group of professionals that has not been previously researched from a performance perspective. This framework allows a novel perspective of the experience of care of the teacher towards students, as performance that resembles artistic, aesthetic making. Starting from the personal, the project responds more broadly to the context of teachers’ burnout and stress epidemic and suggests performance as an effective, yet unacknowledged way towards understanding the importance of the teaching/caring experience.


Christina Vasileiou. I am an interdisciplinary researcher and artist working on the lived experience and aesthetics of care. My work centralises aesthetic interpretations and explorations of what it means and feels to care,
in a practice that merges performance, applied performance, and uses of matter in installations and audio-visual work. Echoing struggles of burnout and trauma, my practice has developed as a self-devised, performative method of healing. I recently completed (2024) a PhD at Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London. My performances and applied performance works have been presented at art festivals and events in London, Athens, Copenhagen.

Primary author

Christina Vasileiou (Guildhall School of Music and Drama)

Presentation materials

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