Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Applying drama in teacher education to promote personal growth, collectivity and social change

Oct 17, 2024, 4:00 PM
RM 209

RM 209


Martha Katsaridou (University of Thessaly)


The proposed paper critically analyses the learning processes that were taken in α drama/theatre education University course addressing to future teachers in order to propose a holistic transformational education, which can inspire positive social change towards a more just and democratic world. Drawing on the theoretical framework of Dewey's educational philosophy and its democratic dimension, Freire's problem-posing education, the basic principles of peace education, as well as the possibility of self-regulation in democratic society, as argued in Castoriadis's theory, the University students had the opportunity to deepen in drama/theatre education approaches as well as in contemporary performing arts forms and work on collective, participatory, critical and contingent learning. The results from the learning experience as well as the practical action in professional activities in which the students were engaged reveal the catalytic role of drama/theatre education in promoting personal growth, defining collective identities and seeking for social change.


Martha Katsaridou is Assistant Professor of Drama/Theatre Education at the Department of Early Childhood Education, University of Thessaly, Greece. She studied Pedagogy, Acting and Theatre Education in Thessaloniki and London. She has designed drama workshops, taught in seminars and has worked as a director and assistant director in performances with children and teenagers. She has published a book and articles on Applied Drama in international journals. Her research interests involve Applied Drama/Theatre as a learning medium and a tool of social research and intervention.

Primary author

Martha Katsaridou (University of Thessaly)

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