Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Drama-based interventions in prison as a means for promoting prisoners’ well-being

Oct 17, 2024, 3:00 PM
RM 209

RM 209


Katerina Kosti (University of the Peloponnese)


The aim of this paper is to examine the benefits of drama-based interventions to promote the well-being of individuals in prison. Connecting with others, physical activation, focus, learning, sharing, which are key components of well-being, are addressed in drama-based interventions. The paper concerns anecdotal evidence from a series of courses developed at the Department of Theater Studies of the University of Peloponnese on educational drama in socially oriented institutions. The courses and the corresponding actions were implemented from 2016 to 2023 in the Agricultural Prisons of Tiryns. The main idea of the paper is that promoting and supporting the well-being of people in prison has clear links to safe and supportive learning environments, including educational drama and drama-based interventions. Obviously, the findings presented are limited, but they are indicative of the potential of drama-based interventions to promote prisoner well-being.


Katerina Kosti is a member of the Teaching and Laboratory Staff of the Department of Theater Studies - School of Fine Arts - University of the Peloponnese. She teaches Drama in Education and Theater Pedagogy at graduate and post-graduate level. He works in drama-based projects in schools, prisons, Roma settlements and day care centers for the elderly. Her PhD refers to the connection between Drama in Education and Historical Empathy, in order to highlight the importance of Drama for the teaching of History. Her post-doctoral research concerns reminiscence drama and theatre.

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