Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Assessing the Impacts of Curriculum Guidelines on the Students’ Learning Achievements in the Chinese Regions

Oct 17, 2024, 4:00 PM
RM 208

RM 208


Dennis Ping-Cheng Wang (University of Macau)


The study aims at investigating if the music curriculum guidelines affect students’ learning achievements. The researcher analyzed and compared the guidelines among the three regions in China, providing insights into educational policies and practices variations. The study was grounded in the Curriculum Theory, which explores the philosophies, ideologies, and models guiding curriculum design and practice. For the methodology, the researcher used Content Analysis to compare and analyzed the differences of the curriculum guidelines of the three regions. Then, the researcher further assesses participants’ music leaning achievement with and Gordon’s “Intermediate Measures of Music Audiation’. After cross comparison, the results demonstrated that students’ learning outcomes were varied along with different curriculum guidelines. National curriculum guidelines are essential in shaping and guiding education systems. They provide a framework and standards that define what students should learn at each stage of their education, influencing their learning directions and outcomes.


Dr. Dennis Wang is an associate professor in music education and Assistant Dean for Student Affairs at Faculty of Education, University of Macau, China. He won his Doctor of Musical Arts Degree from the University of Miami and was elected as a member of Pi Kappa Lambda National Music Honor Society and International WHO'S WHO of Professional Educators. He taught at the University of Miami, and Miami-Dade College, USA. He is an active music education researcher with the specialty including teaching of music, and music assessment. Moreover, he has published numerous books and research papers in music education conferences internationally.

Primary author

Dennis Ping-Cheng Wang (University of Macau)

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