Nowadays an integrated approach to disciplines is an urgent educational challenge. A way to face this challenge is teacher education, as stated by UNESCO “Incheon Declaration and Framework for Action” for Goal 4: “We will ensure that teachers and educators are empowered, adequately recruited, well-trained, professionally qualified, motivated and supported within well-resourced, efficient and effectively governed systems”. Moving in this direction, this poster aims to share an example of STEAM activity developed by a group of Italian teachers, and their teaching approaches as examples of good practices to implement such activities in school. In the poster we present the keywords and the metaphorical representations elaborated by the teachers involved in a professional development course, with the task of designing a STEAM activity with an interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary approach. The course is institutionally contextualised in the European “STEAM-Connect” project, involving five European universities and their connected schools.
Livia Silvestri, Ornella Robutti, Sara Bagossi
Livia Silvestri is a postgraduate fellowship in mathematics education at the University of Torino (Italy). She works on projects of professional development for secondary school teachers, focused on the STEAM approach and the laboratory methodology. The focus of her research concerns the study of teaching approaches with particular attention to multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches. She worked for the European STEAM-Connect project, mainly by supporting teachers in the design and experimentation of STEAM activities.
Ornella Robutti is full professor in Mathematics Education at the Department of Mathematics “G. Peano” of the University of Torino (Italy) and person in charge of the in-service and pre-service mathematics teachers’ education programs. Her fields of research are: students’ cognitive processes in mathematical activities; teaching mathematics in technological environments; teachers working in communities of professional development; meanings of mathematical objects in institutional contexts; boundary objects and boundary crossing between communities. She is author of many publications and has been involved in many international projects, such as the STEAM-Connect project, and national projects.
Sara Bagossi is a postdoctoral student at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Torino in Italy. After her doctoral studies in Mathematics Education, she had a post-doc fellowship at the Ben-Gurion University (Israel): during such an experience, she investigated the use of augmented reality for the learning of mathematics. Her main research interests concern covariational reasoning, learning with digital tools and mathematical discussion. Recently, she joined the STEAM-Connect project, focusing on the design and implementation of inter and transdisciplinary activities.