Donka Minkova (UCLA) _ Old and Middle English phonology and meter (Introductory)



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Old and Middle English phonology and meter

(a preliminary outline, February 2023)

This five-session class surveys the main segmental and prosodic features of earlier stages of the English with emphasis on how such features relate to the phonological structure of Present-Day English and to the forms of early English verse. Previous familiarity with the sound structure, prosody, and metrical tradition of earlier English will not be assumed, but is welcome. The goal is to help students achieve a level of analytical competence that would allow informed judgments about the interplay of phonology and meter both in English and in other ancient languages.

Class time will be split between description of the various phonological and metrical features of Old and Middle English (my job), and discussion and analysis of the phonological and/or metrical structure of selected poetic passages (your job). Some discussion topics will be listed in the day-by-day outline, to be posted in June. Students can contact me in advance with their own questions and suggestions on topics addressing any aspect of Old and Middle English sound structure or verse history.