19–21 Mar 2025
Physics Department
Europe/Athens timezone

On solar sources of interplanetary disturbances before the high-energy magnetospheric electrons enhancements

Not scheduled
Seminar Room (Physics Department )

Seminar Room

Physics Department

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens University Campus, Panepistimioupolis Zografos, 15784 Athens, GREECE


Olga Kryakunova (Institute of Ionosphere)


Based on measurements of magnetospheric electron fluxes with energies >2 MeV in geostationary orbits, solar wind velocity, and geomagnetic activity for the period 1995-2023, a catalog of electron enhancements in which the electron fluence exceeds dangerous level has been compiled. For the events of this catalog, disturbances of interplanetary space have been determined, after which enhancements in high-energy electrons begin, and their solar sources have been determined. It has been found that in more than half of the events of electron enhancements, the solar sources of disturbances are high-speed solar wind streams (HSSs) from coronal holes. In 97.2% of the events, HSSs from coronal holes were one of the solar sources of disturbances, in the formation of which coronal mass ejections after solar flares and the disappearance of solar filaments also participated. The average behavior of the electron flux, cosmic rays, solar wind velocity and geomagnetic activity is obtained.

Session 3 - Cosmic Rays and Space Weather effects

Primary author

Olga Kryakunova (Institute of Ionosphere)


Botakoz Seifullina (Institute of Ionosphere) Irina Tsepakina (Institute of Ionosphere) Artem Abunin (IZMIRAN) Anatoliy Belov (IZMIRAN) Maria Abunina (IZMIRAN) Nikolay Nikolayevskiy (IZMIRAN) Nataly Shlyk

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