Ground-level enhancements (GLEs) represent the highest-energy end of solar energetic particle (SEP) events, forming a distinct class where ions are accelerated to relativistic speeds. This leads to a sudden, significant increase in cosmic rays detected by ground-based instruments, primarily neutron monitors (NMs). This work focuses on GLE74, which occurred on May 11, 2024. Proton observations up to ~ 2.4 GV, gathered from neutron monitors, SOHO, GOES, and STEREO-A, are combined with soft X-ray flare data, CME detections, and radio bursts to determine the solar origin of the event. A time-shift analysis was also performed to correlate detected particles with their solar sources. Finally, GLE74 is compared to past events to provide further insight into its characteristics.
Session | 2 - Intense Events of 2024 |