19–21 Mar 2025
Physics Department
Europe/Athens timezone

GLE #75 caused by a solar energetic particle event on 8 June 2024

20 Mar 2025, 10:30
Seminar Room (Physics Department )

Seminar Room

Physics Department

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens University Campus, Panepistimioupolis Zografos, 15784 Athens, GREECE


Dr Stepan Poluianov (University of Oulu, Finland)


Some solar energetic particle (SEP) events can be registered by ground-based neutron monitors (NMs) measuring the variability of cosmic rays. Those events are called Ground-Level Enhancements (GLEs) and are seen as rapid increases in NM count rates over the background of galactic cosmic rays. GLEs are rare, but the year 2024 was rich for three of them. We report the second GLE of the year that happened on 8 June 2024, initially overlooked but discovered retrospectively after a review of NM data. That GLE #75 is associated with an SEP event induced by the same active region 13697/13664 that caused the previous GLE #74. During GLE#75, there were statistically significant responses at NMs DOMC, PWNK, and SOPO/SOPB, and an enhancement of the proton flux measured by satellite GOES-16. We present the GLE, reconstructed SEP spectra and angular distributions, and describe the procedure of assessment of the statistical significance of increases.

Session 2 - Intense Events of 2024

Primary authors

Dr Stepan Poluianov (University of Oulu, Finland) Dr Alexander Mishev (University of Oulu, Finland) Dr Olga Kryakunova (Insitute of Ionosphere, Almaty, Kazakhstan) Dr Botakoz Seifullina (Insitute of Ionosphere, Almaty, Kazakhstan) Nikolay Nikolayevskiy (Insitute of Ionosphere, Almaty, Kazakhstan) Prof. Ilya Usoskin (University of Oulu, Finland)

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