We examine the energy spectra of secondary particles linked to solar events to identify and classify Forbush decreases (FD), ground-level enhancements (GLE), and magnetospheric effects (ME) detected by particle detector networks on Earth's surface.
We present energy spectra of neutrons related to the magnetospheric effect observed on November 5, 2023, and the GLE on May 11, 2024.
We refine the definition of the Magnetospheric Effect (ME). Our classification is based on the following observations:
1. Antarctic and near-polar NMs did not register flux enhancement, while middle latitude NMs and SEVAN detectors coherently registered count rate enhancements throw distances of 5,500 km.
2. Due to atmospheric cutoff rigidity, NMs and SEVAN detectors located on mountain tops at middle latitudes demonstrated flux enhancement, while ones at sea level did not.
3. The energy spectra of secondary comic rays are essential for identifying ME.
Session | 3 - Cosmic Rays and Space Weather effects |