CIVIS Workshop / Poster Session: Linguistic Diachronies: A Contrastive Approach

Call for Papers - Only summer school students can participate in the workshop / poster session and present their work - The summer school workshop will also include invited talks.

The 10th Naxos Summer School on Diachronic Linguistics will be organizing a workshop / poster session on "Linguistic Diachronies: A Contrastive Approach."

Abstracts that approach language change and diachrony from any perspective are welcome, including: historical morpho-syntax, historical phonology, historical pragmatics, historical sociolinguistics.

The idea of the workshop is to offer our summer schools participants interested in a systematic study of language change and diachrony, the opportunity to present their ongoing research or the results of their studies on language change and diachrony. We encourage papers of both data- and theory-oriented approaches. Presentations will last 20 minutes, allowing 10 minutes for discussion.

Please email your 300-words abstract to Elly van Gelderen (, Alexander Bergs (, Ioanna Sitaridou (, Nikolaos Lavidas (




On abstract models: Participants may consult the following SLE and LSA webpages:

Elly van Gelderen, Alexander Bergs, Ioanna Sitaridou, Nikolaos Lavidas