Sep 26 – 27, 2024
“Kostis Palamas” Building
Europe/Athens timezone

The MA Program in Contemporary Philosophy/Philosophy of Science of the Department of History and Philosophy of Science is pleased to announce its 2nd Annual Conference on 26th and 27th September 2024 at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

"Contemporary Philosophy meets Philosophy of Science: Trends and Perspectives: II"

Conference Venue: Kostis Palamas building

(Attendance is free but places are limited and registration is required)


Helen Beebee (Leeds)

Alex Byrne (MIT)

Lilia Gurova (Sofia)

Anthony Hatzimoysis (Athens)

Stavros Ioannidis (Athens)

María Jiménez-Buedo (Madrid)

Michela Massimi (Edinburgh)

Stathis Psillos (Athens)

Thomas Sattig (Tübingen)

“Kostis Palamas” Building
“Kostis Palamas” Building 48 Akadimias Str. & Sina Str.
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Registration for this event is currently open.