26–27 Sept 2024
“Kostis Palamas” Building
Europe/Athens timezone

Past Conferences

Inaugural Conference

The MA Program in Contemporary Philosophy/Philosophy of Science of the Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens is pleased to announce its Inaugural Conference:
"Contemporary Philosophy meets Philosophy of Science: Trends and Perspectives"
28-29 September 2023
Venue: Kostis Palamas building, 48 Akadimias Str, Athens, Greece
Theodore Arabatzis (Athens)
Mauro Dorato (Rome)
Pascal Engel (EHESS)
Vassilios Karakostas (Athens)
Vasso Kindi (Athens)
Eleni Manolakaki (Athens)
Chrysostomos Mantzavinos (Athens)
Emmanuel Picavet (Sorbonne)
Thomas Schmidt (Humboldt)
Claudine Tiercelin (College de France)
Torsten Wilholt (Hannover)
Julie Zahle (Bergen)

Conference programme:

Thursday 28th September

09.30–10.30am Theodore Arabatzis (Athens) — Contingency and Counterfactuals in History and Philosophy of Science

10.40–11.40am Mauro Dorato (Rome) — The Oscillation of Metaphysical Necessity between the Scylla of Logical Necessity and the Charybdis of Physical Necessity

Coffee break until 12.10 pm

12.10–1.10pm Claudine Tiercelin (College de France) — Metaphysics and Science: Old and New Frontiers

1.20-2.20pm Pascal Engel (EHESS) — Idealisations in Science and Beyond

Lunch Break until 4.00 pm

4.00–5.00pm Chrysostomos Mantzavinos (Athens) — The Constitution of Science

Coffee break until 5.30 pm

5.30–6.30pm Vassilios Karakostas (Athens) — Contemporary Scientific Perspectivism

Friday 29th September

09.30–10.30am Eleni Manolakaki (Athens) — Contemporary Foundational Accounts of Propositions

10.40–11.40am Torsten Wilholt (Hannover) — Degrees of Value-ladenness

Coffee break until 12.10 pm

12.10–1.10pm Emmanuel Picavet (Sorbonne) — Philosophy and Inter-Normativities

1.20-2.20pm Thomas Schmidt (Humboldt) — Reasons and Ought: An Inquiry into the Structure of Practical Normativity

Lunch Break until 4.00 pm

4.00–5.00pm Julie Zahle (Bergen) — Reactivity and Bias in Qualitative Research

Coffee break until 5.30 pm

5.30–6.30pm Vasso Kindi (Athens) — Feyerabend and Wittgenstein
