Jun 12 – 13, 2023
“Kostis Palamas” Building
Europe/Athens timezone


Monday, June 12
10.00 Arrival of the participants
10.15-10.30 Opening, Greetings:
- Prof. Dimitrios Karadimas, Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs
- Prof. Antonis Hatzimoysis, Chair of the Dept. of History and Philosophy of Science
- Prof. Panagiotis Thanassas
Session 1. Chair: Christof Rapp
10.30-11.15 Panagiotis Thanassas (NKU Athens): Self-deceiving mortals in Parmenides’ doxa
11.15-12.00 Walter Mesch (Münster): Plato on self-deceiving Sophists. The example of Gorgias
Coffee Break
12.30-13.15 Sara De Leonardis (Cornell): Sightlovers (Rep. 475d-480a): a case of self-deception
Session 2. Chair: Pavlos Kontos
17.30-18.15 Andrea Buongiorno (Oxford): Aristotle on perceptual self-deception
18.15-19.00 Brian Killackey (Catholic@Washington): Failing to Know Ourselves: Aristotle on Doxa and Self-Deception
Coffee Break
19.30-20.15 Ioannis Telios (NKU Athens): Searching for self-deception in Aristotle's Topics: On the other end of “haggling”

Tuesday, June 13
Session 3. Chair: Walter Mesch
10.30-11.15 Christof Rapp (LMU Munich): Deceiving oneself about one’s own standing, merits and moral goodness. Themes from Aristotle’s moral psychology
11.15-12.00 Michail Pantoulias (NKU Athens): Practical truth and akrasia: Self-deception in the practical syllogism
Coffee Break
12.30-13.15 Pavlos Kontos (UoPatras): Hope and self-deception
Session 4. Chair: Panagiotis Thanassas
18.30-19.15 Kathryn Muyskens & Thomas Davis (Yale-NUS): Self-Deception Stoic-Style
19.15-20.00 Kelly Arenson (Duquesne): Epicureans on Hedonic Self-Deception
20.00-20.15 Some Conclusions

The sessions schedule will be followed strictly.