14–16 May 2021
Zoom Conference
Europe/Athens timezone

About Proceedings Submission

We are pleased to inform you that the organizing committee has
reached an agreement with the EPJ Web of Conferences for the
proceedings publication of our workshop. Highlights from the

Minimum length 3 pages (double column in the EPJ Web of Conferences
format), maximum length 6 pages. Invited speakers can submit longer
articles if they wish, informing the organizing committee in advance.

The deadline for article submission is June 30, 2021, in order to
have the proceedings published by the beginning of the autumn. Early
submission by the end of May 2021 will be greatly appreciated.
Articles will be published in open access. There will be no charge for
the authors.

The authors should visit the web page of EPJ-WOC for finding the
appropriate instructions, for writing their article.

To the authors

  1. Instructions "how to prepare your article": https://www.epj-conferences.org/doc_journal/woc/pdf_guidelines.pdf
  2. Publication right form (to be signed by at least one of the authors):https://www.epj-conferences.org/doc_journal/woc/publication_right_form.pdf
  3. Ethical rules https://www.epj-conferences.org/about-the-journal/publishing-policies-ethics
  4. General editorial guideline https://www.epj-conferences.org/doc_journal/woc/epjconf_editorial_guidelines.pdf
  5. The templates are available on: https://www.epj-conferences.org/for-authors

However for your easiness, example files in doc and latex

can be found  in our web page overview right part on the bottom


Please submit your article to the Workshop Editorial Committee
at the email: hinpw6@chem.uoa.gr