Luis Acosta (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - México)
"The AMS technique as an important tool for the measurement of astrophysical cross sections"
Nicolas Alamanos (IRFU - Saclay - France)
"Nuclear Physics: The Societal Impact"
Aldo Bonasera (Texas A&M University – USA)
"Calculation of the 12C + 12C sub-barrier fusion cross section in an imaginary time-dependent mean field theory"
Francesco Cappuzzello (INFN - Catania – Italy)
"Heavy-ion induced quasi-elastic reactions in view of the NUMEN project"
Jésus Casal (Universidad de Sevilla-Spain)
"Linking structure and dynamics with two-neutron halos"
- Manuela Cavallaro (INFN - Catania – Italy)
"Upgrade of the MAGNEX spectrometer toward the high-intensity phase of NUMEN"
- James Kolata (Notre Dame University - Indiana - USA)
"Weak Interaction Physics at TwinSol"
Walter Loveland (Oregon State University – USA)
"Total kinetic energy release in the fast neutron induced fission of actinide nuclei"
Ismael Martel (University of Huelva - Spain)
"Low energy reactions of halo nuclei"
Nikolay Minkov (INRNE - BAS - Bulgaria)
"Shape and electromagnetic properties of the 229mTh isomer"
- Agatino Musumarra (DFA University of Catania INFN Sezione di Catania- Italy)
"From Nuclear Astrophysics to Fundamental Nuclear Physics: challenging experimental approaches at n_TOF(CERN)"
Joe Natowitz (Texas A&M University – USA)
"Employing ternary fission as a probe of low density nuclear matter"
Patrick O'Malley (Notre Dame University - Indiana - USA)
"Current scientific efforts at the Nuclear Science Laboratory"
Nils Paar (University of Zagreb - Croatia)
"Nuclear magnetic transitions in the energy density functional approach"
George Perdikakis (Central Michigan University-USA)
"Experimental constraints on reaction rates relevant to the radiogenic heating of planets"
Costel Petrache (CSNSM - Osray - France)
"Chirality and wobbling in nuclei: new achievements and perspectives"
Peter Ring (Technical University of Munich - Germany)
"Relativistic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock Theory in Nuclear Matter and Finite Nuclear Systems"
Manuela Rodríguez-Gallardo (Universidad de Sevilla-Spain)
"Reaction dynamics of exotic and stable weakly-bound nuclei using a four-body continuum-discretized coupled-channels formalism"
Marcia Rodrigues (Texas A&M University – USA)
"A novel approach to medical radioisotope production using inverse kinematics"
Ángel Miguel Sánchez Benítez (University of Huelva - Spain)
"Spectroscopy of key nuclei in astrophysics by beta-delayed proton emission"
Ivan Stekl (IEAP - Czech Technical University)
"Neutrino physics and dark matter at IEAP CTU Prague"
Martin Veselsky (IEAP - Czech Technical University)
Sherry Yennello (Texas A&M University - USA)
"Advancing Research in Texas through Experiments in Medical Isotope Science"
Hua Zheng (SNNU - China)
"Connecting the NEoS to the interplay between fusion and quasi-fission processes in low-energy nuclear reactions"