19–21 Mar 2025
Physics Department
Europe/Athens timezone

Ground-based observations of temporal variation of cosmic ray spectrum during Forbush decreases

20 Mar 2025, 15:20
Seminar Room (Physics Department )

Seminar Room

Physics Department

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens University Campus, Panepistimioupolis Zografos, 15784 Athens, GREECE


Alejandro Sáiz (Mahidol University)


Temporary decreases in the GCR flux due to the passage of an ICME can be observed in ground-based neutron monitors (NMs) and muon detectors. The details of these Forbush decreases are useful for space weather studies and alerts. We derive hourly variations in the GCR rigidity spectrum during several Forbush decreases using a global fit to count rates from the NM and muon-detector networks, and by calculating a "leader fraction" from the timing distributions of pulses in each NM counter at South Pole station. Results are consistent with daily variations in the spectral index as measured by AMS-02 onboard the ISS. Thus ground-based observations can be used to monitor GCR spectral variations during space weather events in real time. Partially supported by Thailand's NSTDA and NRCT: High-Potential Research Team Grant Program (N42A650868), and the NSRF via the Program Management Unit for Human Resources & Institutional Development, Research and Innovation (B39G670013).

Session 3 - Cosmic Rays and Space Weather effects

Primary authors

Warit Mitthumsiri (Mahidol University) David Ruffolo (Mahidol University) Kazuoki Munakata (Shinshu University) Pradiphat Muangha (Mahidol University) Alejandro Sáiz (Mahidol University) Paul Evenson (University of Delaware) Pierre-Simon Mangeard (University of Delaware) John Clem (University of Delaware) Surujhdeo Seunarine (University of Wisconsin River Falls) Waraporn Nuntiyakul (Chiang Mai University) the GMDN Collaboration

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