Vassilios Spyropoulos (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

Vassilios Spyropoulos

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Pronominal clitic placement in Greek: Typology, variation, and diachronic development

In this course we will examine the pronominal clitic placement patterns in Greek. We identify three patterns: (a) a strictly encliticization pattern, attested in Pontic; (b) a second-position pattern, attested in the so-called South-Eastern dialects, e.g., Cypriot, Dodecanesian, Cretan, and the rest of the Asia Minor Greek varieties, e.g., Cappadocian, Silliot, Pharasiot; and (c) an adverbal pattern, attested in Standard Modern Greek and the rest of the dialects. We will discuss the typological properties of these patterns in comparison to similar patterns attested in other languages, such as Slavic and Romance. We will show that the second position pattern and the adverbal pattern are historically related to each other, as the latter developed out of the former by means of a (prosodic) reanalysis, and we will attempt to sketch the path of the diachronic developments in Greek pronominal clitic placement from the post-Classical period onwards (3rd c. BC – today).   


> Participants will receive a link for an e-class & dropbox.