27–29 Sept 2024
Department of Mathematics, NKUA
Europe/Athens timezone

Quantitative estimates for almost harmonic maps

28 Sept 2024, 10:00
Amphitheatre "Konstantin Karatheodory" (Department of Mathematics, NKUA)

Amphitheatre "Konstantin Karatheodory"

Department of Mathematics, NKUA

Panepistimiopolis Zografou Athens, ZipCode 157-84


Prof. Melanie Rupflin (University of Oxford)


In the analysis of variational problems it is often important to understand not only the behaviour of exact minimisers and critical points, but also of maps that almost minimise the energy or that almost solve the associated Euler-Lagrange equation.

It is in particular natural to ask whether the distance of an almost minimiser to the nearest minimising state is controlled in terms of the energy defect and whether such a result not only holds in a qualitative, but in a sharp quantitative way.

In this talk we will discuss this and related questions for the classical Dirichlet energy of maps from surfaces into manifolds, in particular in the simple model problem of maps from the sphere S^2 to itself, for which minimizers (to given degree) are simply given by meromorphic functions in stereographic coordinates.

Primary author

Prof. Melanie Rupflin (University of Oxford)

Presentation materials