27–29 Sept 2024
Department of Mathematics, NKUA
Europe/Athens timezone

Mean curvature flow with generic initial data

27 Sept 2024, 10:00
Amphitheatre "Konstantin Karatheodory" (Department of Mathematics, NKUA)

Amphitheatre "Konstantin Karatheodory"

Department of Mathematics, NKUA

Panepistimiopolis Zografou Athens, ZipCode 157-84


Prof. Felix Schulze (University of Warwick)


Mean curvature flow is the gradient flow of the area functional where an
embedded hypersurface evolves in direction of its mean curvature vector. This
constitutes a natural geometric heat equation for hypersurfaces, which ideally will
evolve the embedding into a nicer shape. But due to the nonlinear nature of the
equation singularities are guaranteed to form. Nevertheless, a key observation in
geometry and physics is that generic solutions, obtained by small perturbations, can
exhibit simpler singularities. In this direction, a conjecture of Huisken posits
that a generic mean curvature flow encounters only the simplest singularities. We
will discuss work together with Chodosh, Choi and Mantoulidis which together with
recent work of Bamler-Kleiner establishes this conjecture for embedded hypersurfaces
in R^3.

Primary author

Prof. Felix Schulze (University of Warwick)

Presentation materials