27–29 Sept 2024
Department of Mathematics, NKUA
Europe/Athens timezone

Harmonic diffeomorphisms between pseudo-riemannian surfaces

28 Sept 2024, 12:10
Amphitheatre "Konstantin Karatheodory" (Department of Mathematics, NKUA)

Amphitheatre "Konstantin Karatheodory"

Department of Mathematics, NKUA

Panepistimiopolis Zografou Athens, ZipCode 157-84


Prof. Anestis Fotiadis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)


We study locally harmonic maps between pseudo-Riemannian surfaces.
These maps are classified by the classification of the solutions of a
generalized sine-Gordon equation. We then study the one-soliton solutions
of this equation and we find the corresponding harmonic maps in a unified
way. Finally, we discuss a Backlund transformation of the harmonic map
equations that provides a connection between the solutions of two sineGordon type equations.

Primary author

Prof. Anestis Fotiadis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)

Presentation materials