Jul 4 – 5, 2023
"Kostis Palamas" building
Europe/Athens timezone

Speaker List

N. Alikakos, NKUA, Greece (in-person)

       On the triple junction problem for the vector Allen-Cahn on the plane without symmetry hypotheses

V. Bitsouni, NKUA, Greece (in-person)

       Policies of local lock-downs and workplace closures

G. Dassios, University of Patras, Greece (in-person)

       Generating an ellipsoidal system in four dimensions

A. Fokas, University of Cambridge, UK (online)

       The beauty and power of the complex plane

D. Frantzeskakis, NKUA, Greece (in-person)

       Nonlinear instability and solitons in a self-gravitating fluid

N. Gialelis, NKUA, Greece (in-person)

       On solubility of evolution problems in open sets: a quantitative geometric approach

N. Karachalios, University of Thessaly, Greece (in-person)

       Nonlinear lattices from the physics of ecosystems

M. Katsoulakis, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA (online)

       A mean-field games laboratory for generative modeling

A. Kogoj, University of Urbino, Italy (in-person)

       Liouville theorems in sub-Riemannian settings

V. Kravchenko, CINVESTAV, Mexico (online)

       Reconstruction techniques for inverse Sturm-Liouville problems and quantum graphs

G. Kristensson, Lund University, Sweden (in-person)

       Electromagnetic scattering by a biisotropic obstacle and the construction of its transition matrix

P.D. Lamberti, University of Padova, Italy (in-person)

       Spectral analysis of Maxwell’s equations in electromagnetic cavities

P.A. Martin, Colorado School of Mines, USA (online)

       Solving Laplace’s equation in a tube: how hard can it be?

F. Murat, Sorbonne Université, France (online)

       Unexpected results for a singular elliptic problem

D. Natroshvili, Georgian Technical University, Georgia (in-person)

       An alternative potential method for mixed boundary value problems

V. Serov, University of Oulu, Finland (online)

       Elliptic differential operators with singular coefficients and absolute convergence of Fourier series

P. Souganidis, University of Chicago, USA (in-person)

       The planning problem and large deviations of the surface height in the KPZ equation