Assoc. Prof. Reis Mulita, PhD
Canadian Institute of Technology, in Tirana
Reis.mulita@cit.edu.al / reimulita@yahoo.com
Challenging Sustainable Developments through Smart and Inclusive Education on Circular Economy.
Authoritarian scholars and researchers in various fields, as well as prestigious international institutions, have defined sustainable development as the right and proper model, through which society will face and offer solutions to the challenges of the century in relation to nature and society.
Claimed and predicted, under the rapid and intense pace of industrialization, urbanism, advanced technological advances and global interaction, the external costs of global warming, climate change, as well as other phenomena with negative consequences for society and nature, will be prevented or "cured" through sustainable development model.
This study, based on the above assessments, will provide models and instruments such as developmental attitudes and behaviors for the economy, which simultaneously care for society and nature. Circulation Economics, has been selected to be treated for this purpose. In view of this goal, the study through measurable and qualitative sources, will generalize and conclude that the application of Circulation Economy, will contribute to achieving the Objectives for Sustainable Development and meeting the challenges of the century.
How much and how do universities and the world of knowledge should and can contribute to society and nature, to the fulfillment of the SDG? This presentation will provide the concrete model of Canadian Institute of Technology, through which is provided the contribution of applied knowledge to the model of Sustainable Development, using as a tool the Circular Economy.
In this paper, I will refer to Europe's growth strategy, where the key words: Smart- Sustainable- Inclusive Growth attract attention. Further, in view of this goal, as attitude and surprise, the paper will provide primary and measurable sources of knowledge applied to the concept of Circulation Economics.
Through primary and measurable source, I will bring as an argument the implementation of the research project "Inclusive Digital Education for Circular Economy" Di Gi TOOL, which I coordinate and contribute as a key expert. A syllabus for CE at Master level, is being offered under the concept of Open, Asymmetric and Inclusive, at European level.
As a second argument, I will present the application concept of circular economy under an approach inclusive, open and smart. Knowledge, skills and ideas as solutions will be offered, tested, and applied in partnership with businesses and stakeholders at the territorial level for this purpose, through the construction and application of a platform for education, education, skills and creativity awards on Circular Economy.
Key Words: Sustainable Development, Circular Economy, Inclusive education, skills, Green Economy, Education;