Opening day
Submission deadline
Abstract submission deadline: July 31, 2024
Papers are sought on the following topics:
- Oxidative stress and antioxidants
- Cell signaling and gene expression
- Inflammation, cancer, apoptosis and aging
- Skin pharmacokinetics, barrier function, metabolism and transport
- Chemoprevention
- Drug development and application
- Photodynamic therapy and oxidative stress
- Natural products: Terrestrial and marines
- Mediterranean Diet - Nutritional supplements and skin aging
- Metal ions
- Bioassays and analytical techniques
- Wound – Burn healing
- Psychological Stress and Dermatological Diseases
- Diabetic Skin
- Radiations and Skin
- Nutricosmetology
- Pesticides and Skin
Instructions for Submitting an Abstract
All Abstracts should be submitted to the Conference Secretary Dr Aspasia Petri by email at:
Abstracts should clearly and adequately describe the objectives and results of the research. All abstracts must be accompanied by a completed registration form made out in the author's name who will present the paper. Language: English.
Each abstract should include a title (in capital, bold letters, 16pt), names of all authors (with the author's name who will present the paper underlined in 11pt normal letters), complete address and email, if possible of the presenting author.
The text should be typed in an A4 paper-size format and must be single-spaced. Font: Times New Roman, 12pt. You must have a right and left of 3.17 cm (1,25 in) and a top and bottom margin of 2.54 cm (1 in).
Abstracts should arrive by August 20, 2024.
Any queries regarding the procedure of paper submission should be addressed to the Conference Secretary, Dr Aspasia Petri by email at:
If electronic submission is not possible please mail your abstract to the following address:
Dr Michail Rallis,
University of Athens,
School of Pharmacy, Div. of Pharmaceutical Technology,
Panepistimiopolis, 157 71, Athens,
Please do not hesitate to address Dr. Michail Rallis at the above address, or on the telephone numbers: (+30) 210 727 4699, (+30) 210 727 4367, Fax: (+30) 210 727 4027 or Dr Aspasia Petri by email at: aspetri@pharm.uoa.gr for anything you might need regarding paper submission.
Instructions for Poster Presentations
Posters will be presented as Short Presentations
Duration: 5 minutes.